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Halifax District 1

Freemason Lodges in Halifax and Surrounding Area


Halifax District 1 is one of several districts throughout the province and is composed of 9 lodges.  It offers member lodges the opportunity to work together on issues and projects common to all within a defined geographical area.

District Officers

District Deputy Grand Master

R. W. Bro. Rick Brown

District Grand Director of Ceremonies

V. W. Bro. Robert Brown

District Grand Chaplain

V. W. Bro. Brian Evans

District Secretary

R. W. Bro. Fabio Sani

Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia logo

The Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia

All of the lodges in the district are warranted by the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, instituted in 1866.


Each lodge in the district has a distinctive character and rich history.
St. Andrew's No. 1
St. Andrew's No. 1

First Tuesday except Jul & Aug

7:00 p.m.

St. John's No. 2
St. John's No. 2

1st Monday except Jul & Aug

7:30 p.m.

Virgin No. 3
Virgin No. 3

4th Monday except Jul & Aug

7:30 p.m.

Royal Sussex No. 6
Royal Sussex No. 6

1st Thursday except Jul & Aug

7:30 p.m.

Keith No. 17
Keith No. 17

2nd Thursday except Jul & Aug

7:30 p.m.

Equity No. 106
Equity No. 106

3rd Monday except Jul & Aug

7:30 p.m.

Duke of Kent No. 121
Duke of Kent No. 121

2nd Monday except Jul, Aug & Oct

7:30 p.m.

Fairview No. 126
Fairview No. 126

3rd Wednesday except Jan & Feb

1:00 p.m.

Ad Astra No. 130
Ad Astra No. 130

3rd Wednesday except Jul & Aug

7:30 p.m.

Upcoming Events

Get in touch

Fill in the form to contact the District Secretary.

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